
The main objective of Market Intelligence
The main objective of Market Intelligence is to create the European statistics system in order to enable manufacturers as well as other players and institutions to have a better knowledge of the European HVACR market. Statistics programmes allow collecting statistics and providing comprehensive analyses on actual situation.
Data collection from manufacturers started in 1994 with annual statistics and quarterly market survey. Statistics have been working very well since 1996 for Liquid Chilling Packages and 1997 for Fan Coil Units. Then in 2000, Air Handling Units Statistics Programmes has been launched. Several years later in 2007, the Rooftop statistics have been collected for the first time retrospectively from 2004. Since 2008, new programmes have been launched: Cooling Towers, Heat Exchangers, Air Filters and Precision Air Conditioners. In 2015, a collection has started on Pool Dehumidifiers and Heat Recovery Systems.
Eurovent started to organise data collections in 1994 following the market exigency. This activity has been immediately appreciated by the industry, as market has become more transparent for all players. After ten years of running of simple data collections as a secondary activity within the organisation, in 2007, Eurovent Certification Company has decided to overtake the activity under an individual department. Today, within the Eurovent Services Company the activity is officially recognised and is being managed under Market Intelligence Department.
The following areas of expertise will be executed with specific objectives:
- First, develop the European statistics system (via Statistics programmes)
- Âthen, provide market information and analyses (in long-term)
- Âlast, provide forecasting and market strategy studies on demand (in long-term).
The essential principle is to provide only reliable data and information on the European HVAC market, thus to be a reference for European institutions and manufacturers. Market Intelligence is dedicated to all HVAC players; hence participation to the Statistic programmes is open to all manufacturers, regardless of any membership of associations or other companies.
The following countries represent the key geographical market of Eurovent Market Intelligence: